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Bodybuilder: no it’s not the best one but it’s the best one we got

Student: yep!!

Bodybuilder: it’s the best for building weight, muscles and cutting fat

Student: yep

Bodybuilder: what do you mean it’s better than…

Student: well it’s better for gaining muscle

Student: and losing weight

Bodybuilder: yeah and losing weight you know I know if you build muscle it comes off

Student: yeah

Bodybuilder: what about losing fat, muscle building steroids australia?

Student: no

Bodybuilder: well it’ll just come off

Student: yes but it’ll stay here it will just never come off

Bodybuilder: no no no you just build muscles and lose fat, like any other cycle.

Student: what about what if you go on them for an hour and half and start to lose fat?

Bodybuilder: I’d say that the best steroids are the ones that don’t make you fat, anabolic steroids for pain relief0.

Student: I don’t make fun of them that’s the thing

Bodybuilder: no no no no, but if you’re fat, you’re the person who would have never gained weight on steroids

Student: that they make me make me gain weight on steroids

Bodybuilder: so if you start to lose muscle on steroids you’re actually gaining weight

Student: yeah

Bodybuilder: and gain fat, yeah that’s a good way to put it, anabolic steroids for pain relief3.

Student: like, I’ve been on steroids for a month and it feels like I’m gaining weight

Bodybuilder: yeah, because the weight you’re losing is muscle

Student: right

Bodybuilder: the more muscle you lose the more fat you’ll lose

Student: so what if you put a few hundred mg in for like 10 days or something

Bodybuilder: what makes you think you’re gaining, anabolic steroids for pain relief6?

Student: well you have to keep increasing the dose and that’s a very big step

Muscle juice steroid

Anabolic video website

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