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Are Pro Hormones Still Legal? HR 4771 defines drugs and hormonal substances that are similar to or derived from anabolic steroids based on the intent and pharmacological effects of each product. That said, many of the stipulations of HR 4771 are broad enough that prohormones are an exception to its rules. However, the Attorney General can issue a ban on any other drug or substance based on the compound’s properties and intended use. Another important note is that prohormones can show up on drug tests , suggesting anabolic steroid use. Professional athletes, government workers, and military personnel are typically the only groups who would come under scrutiny from using these supplements. In general, drug tests don’t cover testing for anabolic steroids since those tests are not cost-effective. Different compounds also leave the body at varying rates, so while some supplements leave the system within days, others stick around for up to five months. How Do Pro Hormones Work? Pro steriods are a supplement that bodybuilders and other athletes consume. They’re a precursor to the testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, which means that by supplementing your body with these supplements, you’re prepping it to create its own muscle-building hormones. As your body metabolizes the pro steroids, the endocrine system uses those building blocks to create more muscle. The endocrine system is the collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate many of the body’s essential functions. Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands plus the pancreas and ovaries or testicles make up the endocrine system. Because this system reaches full development after puberty, only adults should use these types of supplements. The safety of prohormones has certainly come under fire and rightly so. When investigated, the altered hormonal profile caused by prohormone intake is similar to the hormonal profiles observed in men with gynecomastia, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Whether the prolonged use of prohormones results in these end outcomes is difficult to distinguish (because of poor quality studies and the ethical hurdle of performing a study directly investigating this link) however, anecdotally, cases have been reported and associated with prohormone use. Additionally, prolonged ingestion of androstenedione or androstenediol has been shown to reduce levels of ‘good’ cholesterol within 1 week of use. It is unknown how long recovery from this side effect takes. Reduced levels of our ‘good’ cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein C) have been associated with an increased risk for heart disease. Animal studies have also shown that certain prohormones can contribute to hypertrophy in parts of the brain associated with regulating aggression which suggest long term development of negative psychological effects; coined ‘roid rage’ in popular media, buy anabolic steroids online with a credit card. Prohormone usage has also been speculated to stunt growth, contribute to painful erections and even cause erectile dysfunction. What can you expect from legal prohormones? The prohormones of today are much safer than those previously investigated and arguably more effective to a certain degree.
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