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Muscle repair and growth takes energy, so if you are not eating enough total calories muscle growth will be hampered no matter how many supposed muscle building supplements you take. It’s time to stop worrying, I’m here to tell you that the number one culprit for how big and strong you will become is the quality of your food, so get your protein, veggies, carbs, vegetables, greens, meat and dairy all in one spot and avoid processed junk food like all the rest.
What? I want to get started on the best ways to eat to achieve my results? Ok.
I’m going to talk about three foods that I personally recommend to everyone who wants to get their body size, size, and strength to their desired level of health, vitality, and strength, but here are the five things I actually eat.
Vegetables to make your meals super tasty.
As with everything here I have to say this because the reason vegetables are so important is because one of the biggest problems many people have with their vegetables are they are too acidic and you eat them as a salad all the time and not the proper way. If your salad has a lot of spinach in it you’re not getting enough vitamins and minerals. If you like kale, broccoli, kale, or other super healthy vegetables you’ll need to avoid them completely.
Also, if you have a sensitive stomach you need to steer clear of beans and grains at all costs. Remember if you have kidney problems that you don’t need any of the following as well.
Beans and grains can cause inflammation. (I don’t recommend eating beans and grains because they are very high in protein and they actually aggravate certain types of chronic illness)
Beans also contain pesticides which can affect your health. You have seen this with some of the bad news coming out about GMOs lately. And of course the same goes for grains. So don’t eat them as part of a meal.
If you don’t know of one great source of super healthy protein you should be eating right now you should be eating eggs because they taste like heaven in addition to having many other health benefits.
You can’t go wrong by eating more whole foods if you are trying to lose fat weight. This is because you are more likely to experience any ill health that is associated with too much fat and you will only experience things if you have a tendency to get ill when you eat foods that are high in fat.
It all comes down to how much of these five things are in your diet.
What? I want to get to a place where I don’t even eat vegetables? Ok so you
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