Binance what happens to delisted coing, binance what is a limit order

Binance what happens to delisted coing, binance what is a limit order


Binance what happens to delisted coing


Binance what happens to delisted coing





























Binance what happens to delisted coing

CZ started by discussing which aspects of decentralized finance—the suite of blockchain-based protocols that make it possible to lend, borrow, earn interest, and more without using a financial institution—would stick around long-term. The Binance CEO likes what he calls “the liquidity pool aspect of DeFi,” but thinks the super-high-yield model, in which copycat projects proliferate and offer ever-higher returns, isn’t sustainable. CZ predicted, “I think eventually we’ll settle into a healthier range, I’d guess somewhere between 5 and 15% APY.” But, back in the present, where fly-by-night tokens show up every week, CZ is generally fine listing those tokens, using overall project popularity as a guide, binance what happens to delisted coing. “Binance started as an altcoin exchange, so we have a history of listing a fairly large selection of tokens,” he said, recognizing most of these projects will eventually fail as markets (especially young markets like this one) go to work. But some innovations will have staying power.
Drugie video z serii o giełdzie kryptowalut Binance Dowiesz się jak kupić i jak sprzedać kryptowaluty w parach do EUR, BTC i USDT. Jak wysłać Bitcoina na inne giełdy i portfele oraz jak zasilić Twoje konto Binance altcoinami wysyłając je z innego portfela. Mam nadzieje że to mini szkolenie będzie dla Ciebie pomocne., binance what happens to delisted coing.

Binance what is a limit order

Investing in cryptocurrencies and other initial coin offerings (icos) is. Several cryptocurrency exchanges have delisted trading of the xrp. — at binance, we periodically review each digital asset we list to ensure that it continues to meet the high level of standard we expect. — binance will make best efforts to choose high-quality coins, but will not be responsible for your trading losses. Thanks for your support! — binance, the largest crypto exchange by traded volume, announced friday that it has decided to delist and cease trading of five tokens. — the company adds that most xrp trading volume takes place outside america under clear regulatory rules. Ripple says that the sec will harm “. The delisting will happen in a week and will affect trading activities. Any exchange could list or delist coins, or raise transaction fees at will,”. Whale moves 21 million xrp to binance as price drops to $0. — bittrex didn’t provide a reason for the delisting of the aforementioned coins. However, given that the us exchange only delisted the three. — “exchange-based” tokens, such as binance coin, huobi token, and others, are part of the ban as well. These are issued by crypto exchanges. — leading cryptocurrency exchange binance will delist five tokens and coins next week, causing price action to the downside for the digital. — or could this be the beginning of the end? binance delisted coins list. To summarize, remember to do research on coins before you invest. The exact trading pairs being removed are: ost/eth, rcn/btc, wpr/btc. All trade orders will. Genesis vision event: delisting from binance on november 5, 2021. Users can buy hot coins with currencies such as usd on these exchanges Die Binance Plattform ist in den letzten Jahren sehr komplex geworden Denn neben dem einfachen Kaufen und Verkaufen von Kryptowährungen könnt ihr dort mittlerweile auch Kryptowährungen anlegen und damit Zinsen verdienen. Unser Tutorial zu Binance ist daher sehr umfangreich geworden, um wirklich alles wichtige zu erfassen., binance what happens to delisted coing.

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Binance what happens to delisted coing. Just in case you’re trying to get your head around why Binance isn’t working for you, find solace in the fact that you aren’t the only one facing issues lately. A quick look at the micro-blogging site Twitter conveys there are many others affected by the same issue As per reports, looks like the service is down due to maintenance., binance what happens to delisted coing. For a quick glance, here’s how some of the complainants word the problem: Already are. Binance US has been “down for maintenance “ for hours now as everything dips… source. Binance has added a new security feature: two-factor authentication (2FA) through hardware security keys Incorporated into the newly-redesigned Binance website, this new feature allows Binance customers to use a more secure method of verification for your actions on your Binance account. This is in addition to the SMS and Google Authenticator options supported on the website and apps., binance what happens to delisted coing.


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Coinbase now allows the direct purchase of dogecoin on its platform. This is why you have to use changelly to swap another cryptocurrency for dogecoin. 8 мая 2021 г. "i just hope it’s not dogecoin," she joked. For investors to buy right now. And dogecoin wasn’t one of them! Register for a coinspot account here & verify in minutes. Deposit aud into your account & enter the amount of aud you want to trade. — these digital assets are now fairly easy to buy and gift. You don’t need to buy an entire bitcoin, though—typically, fractions of the. — while their exact identities have not been made public, most are likely to have been large institutional investors such as banks, pension and. Initially introduced as a "joke currency" by programmer billy markus in late 2013, dogecoin quickly developed its own online community. The coin is most. — so now that we have discussed the ins and outs of how this crypto asset works from an investment perspective, it’s now time to talk about where. Yes, you should buy dogecoin now. It is worth the buy. I have made great profit returns in the past few days. Many of my indian clients are so happy about. — so, is dogecoin just a stupid meme investment or worthy of your money? can you get rich from dogecoin? should i invest all my money into. Now, with dogecoin trading around 17 cents, he continues to buy the dip. Should i buy dogecoin now? — buy dogecoin. If you have just deposited british pounds, you will need to find the doge/gbp trading pair on your platform (if. — it follows other cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum, which are also down compared to yesterday. Why is dogecoin going down? dogecoin. 30 мая 2021 г. — sign up now for free access to our personal finance boot camp. If you want to purchase dogecoin, think long and hard about why it’s. 11 мая 2021 г. — the cryptocurrency shiba inu coin, like dogecoin, thrives off social media hype. An illustration of a dog bowl with coins in it, a hint at. As a lighthearted alternative to traditional cryptocurrencies like bitcoin


Po ostatnim rozszerzeniu oferty, dysponujemy naprawdę imponującym zestawem różnych walut, które możemy wykorzystać. Do wyboru mamy złotówkę (PLN), dolar (USD), euro (EUR), funt szterling (GBP), rubel (RUB), ukraińską hrywnę (UAH), turecka lirę (TRY), itp. itd. Do wyboru mamy 5 najpopularniejszych kryptowalut, czyli: bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), ripple (XRP), litecoin (LTC) i bitcoin cash (BCH). W ofercie są też 3 stablecoiny: BUSD, PAX i TUSD. Dodatkowo możemy kupić także binance coin (BNB), który jest wewnętrzną walutą giełdy. Opłaca się go mieć, ponieważ trzymając go na koncie i używając do opłat, wydamy o połowę mniej. Koszty transakcyjne będą wynosić 0,05%, a nie 0,1%. Unikniemy też sytuacji, w której na naszym koncie pozostają drobne okrawki jakiegoś coina, zbyt małe na to aby je wypłacić. Wystarczy kupić kilka sztuk BNB. Limity. Każda waluta fiat ma określoną minimalną wartość, za którą można kupić kryptowaluty. Minimalna kwota, za którą możemy kupić cząstkę bitcoina to 50 złotych. Chcąc dostać go za dolary lub euro również będziemy musieli wydać ich co najmniej 50. Wykonując tą samą operację za pomocą hrywny, obowiązuje nas próg 300 UAH, czyli niecałe 50 złotych. Podobnie przedstawia się dolna granica dla zakupów za funta szterlinga, która wynosi 10 GBP. Po wpisaniu „ 1 ” w polu „ Chcę wydać „, zobaczymy minimalną wartość, która pojawi się na czerwono poniżej okienka. Przejdź do zakupu. Gdy będziemy wiedzieć ile, jakiej waluty i na co chcemy przeznaczyć, uzupełniamy okienko i klikamy „ Dalej „. Binance poprowadzi nas przez procedurę zakupu i staniemy się posiadaczami, któregoś z cyfrowych aktywów. Później możemy już prowadzić handel, albo wyprowadzić fundusze do tylko naszego zewnętrznego portfela. Przypominamy: giełda nie jest portfelem, tylko narażonym na ataki bankiem Pomimo, że Binance jest bardzo bezpieczną giełdą, nawet on nie uniknął hakerskich ataków. O różnych mniej lub bardziej spektakularnych przykładach kradzieży i strat, możesz przeczytać pokrótce w naszym zestawieniu wszystkich nieszczęść jakie spadły na giełdy w ich niedługiej historii, tutaj: Lista włamów i incydentów giełd kryptowalut., i want to buy a dogecoin right now. Jeśli zostaniesz już klientem tej lub innej giełdy, zajrzyj do naszego rankingu i wystaw jej ocenę. W ten sposób pomożesz podjąć decyzję innym osobom, a tak poza tym będzie nam po prostu miło. Ile kosztuje dziś Bitcoin Polska. przez 3ziko · 2 października, 2021. Czy istnieje sposób na zakup Bitcoina w Polsce? Jeśli jesteś zapalonym zwolennikiem handlu lub inwestowania w waluty, powinieneś wiedzieć o Binance. Binance jest prawdopodobnie najbardziej znanym, a jednocześnie w dużej mierze niewykorzystanym, koniem w gębie branży handlu wirtualnymi walutami. W rzeczywistości, jest to również pierwsza pełnoprawna giełda walutowa Ile kosztuje dziś Bitcoin online, która jest darmowa zarówno dla początkujących, jak i dla ekspertów. Ostatnio, Binance wyszedł z nową funkcją, która pozwala na zakup więcej niż jednego bitcoincap lub kupić wiele monet na raz, zapłacić kartą kredytową lub czekać na giełdzie offline, aby zwolnić fundusze. Ta nowa funkcja jest nazywana programem Masters. Ile kosztuje dziś Bitcoin. Możesz zapytać, dlaczego potrzebujesz lojalności lub członkostwa, jeśli możesz je kupić za darmo za pomocą tej funkcji? Odpowiedź na to pytanie jest prosta. Wolność korzystania z tej innowacyjnej platformy jest niezrównana, jak również daje Ci pełną kontrolę nad swoimi pieniędzmi, bez względu na to, jak mała jest to kwota. W rzeczywistości, kwota ta może nawet wzrosnąć, w zależności od transakcji biznesowych i zysków. Wiele osób nadal nie rozumie koncepcji, jak opłacalna jest wymiana walut cyfrowych, ale muszą poświęcić czas, aby dowiedzieć się więcej na ten temat, zwłaszcza ci, którzy są nowi w handlu. Następnym pytaniem, które przychodzi nam do głowy jest, jak to działa? Cóż, nie musisz niczego pobierać, aby Twoja transakcja była bezpieczna. Na przykład, możesz otworzyć swój portfel Binance, wybrać dostawców funduszy, takich jak rynek Forex lub CFTC, i zacząć kupować i sprzedawać swoje tokeny, tak jakbyś handlował prawdziwą walutą. That goal is now in the rear-view mirror, even as doge cools down. 6 мая 2021 г. — one dogecoin was worth just $0. Even high-risk junk bonds have virtually no returns now. Moved to a new forum, /r/ethfinance, to get away from the “donuts. We only have the ability right now to set custom alerts for three assets and. Dogecoin (doge) to rupee (inr) – get accurate doge to inr price conversion 24/7 with a live dogecoin price chart. Buy dogecoin in india on wazirx exchange. Just like the cryptocurrency markets, we are available 24/7. You can buy doge right away at the best rates and fund your account with an e-transfer or. “if you want to make dogecoin a reality, get in touch," said the website. 5 мая 2021 г. But it’s got the moniker of the people’s coin right now and it’d be. — now the tables have turned and dogecoin is worth money. Everything about the coin’s origins points to its joke-y nature: dogecoin was created by. Dogecoin is surging right now (picture: adriantoday – stock. Buy or sell dogecoin. View real-time doge price, and stay up to date on doge value with live charts. — you may want to buy dogecoin as price predictions suggest this coin has a ton of potential. The hottest “next gen crypto” in the world right now. — should you invest in dogecoin? dogecoin binance us. As you can gather by now, there is not much intrinsic, propositional value in dogecoin. Like to know where to buy dogecoin, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for. Initially introduced as a "joke currency" by programmer billy markus in late 2013, dogecoin quickly developed its own online community. The coin is most. 10 мая 2021 г. Popular now in news


Bitcoin & Altcoin trading with 5x leverage – also in the USA: Although 100x leveraged Bitcoin margin trades are strictly forbidden for US citizens and residents, a slight leverage of up to 5:1 seems to be somehow feasible depending on the currency pair At least that’s what we find at Kraken, and the offer is also valid for US-Americans. However, to achieve this, Kraken had to get corresponding licenses from countless authorities in every single US state, which are often quite expensive., binance what is txn. In less than two years of trading, Binance has since become one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the industry. In fact, it is not uncommon for the platform to facilitate more than $2 billion worth of trading activity each and every day. Up until recently, Binance was primarily a crypto-to-crypto exchange, meaning that it had no involvement in fiat deposits or withdrawals However – and as we will cover further down, the platform now offers a limited amount of support for bank account and credit card deposits., binance what is a limit order. Binance announced that its users must now complete KYC verification in order to better “align with the evolving global compliance standards”, binance what does the m mean. Create an account to save your articles. Wybierz Stop Limit i wypełnij formularz sprzedaży w następujący sposób: Zlecenie Stop Loss, binance what nationality id. Binance cryptocurrency exchange – We operate the worlds biggest bitcoin exchange and altcoin crypto exchange in the world by volum ERC 20 is a token on ETH chain and BEP 2, BEP 20 is a token on Binance chain and Binance smart chain respectively) So what is the difference between these two networks, why BEP 20 uses same address as ERC 20 and which one should I choose when transferring ETH or other coins Difference in Three USDT Chain: OMNI, ERC20 and TRC20 When making a USDT transfer, many users are presented with a choice of three different chain types that are available, at which point users may face the situation that they don’t know which chain type to choose when depositing and withdrawing. The differences between the three different. If I send USDT via TRC20 from another CEX to binance (they both support it), will the usdt arrive in my spot balance where my other USDT is or will it land in a part of my binance wallet separate to the USDT I currently hold in there? It’s clearly way cheaper than ERC20 so I’d love to know if I’m missing anything here before sending. I might test a little now just to see, would., binance what is a limit order. How exchange Tether ERC20 USDT to Binance Coin BNB. To make the exchange you need to perform the following steps: 1. Fill out all the fields in the form above . 2. Read our the Terms and conditions., and if you accept them, check the appropriate box. 3. Press the Continue button. i The rate is fixed when the order is created and the customer has paid within 60 minutes after creation. If. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube The protocol of USDT-ERC20 is the ERC20 protocol. USDT-TRON (TRC20) is the USDT issued by Tether based on the TRON network. The currency deposit address is the TRON address, with deposits and withdrawals taking place on the TRON network. The USDT-TRON (TRC20) uses the TRC20 protocol , Binance will suspend USDT deposits and withdrawals for Exchange USDT (ERC-20) to Binance Coin. What do you need to know? ­ The average time of the exchange of USDT to BNB — from 1 to 2 minutes ­ Only 4 confirmations of the USDT are needed to complete the exchange ­ Do not send USDT through a third party contract! Such transactions are not automatically processed. We accept transactions from the original USDT contract ­Memo is the BNB payment. Story about dude in East Europe on CT who got kidnapped over 500K and left for dead after his funds got drained. Hes asking CZ to block the transfer of stolen funds; I get it and hope Binance helps him out but. arent they going to just kidnap you again if it doesnt clear? BBsoon (@ElenaAliAli25) reported 40 minutes ago, binance what is stop limit. Kryptoměny se za posledních několik let staly jedněmi z nejoblíbenějších způsobů investování, což vedlo i k rozšířenému zájmu o obchodování s nimi. Na kryptoměnových burzách teď již tedy není výjimkou možnost uplatnění pákového efektu či obchodování s kryptoměnovými futures. Kryptoměny však s sebou přináší i velké riziko, a to především kvůli své vysoké volatilitě , kterou sice mohou zkušení investoři využít ve svůj prospěch, ale někteří se naopak díky ní mohou utápět ve ztrátě Právě proto je nutné investovat do kryptoměn pouze kapitál, který si můžete dovolit ztratit a nebude vám chybět ve vašem rozpočtu., binance what is stop limit. Die Nutzung der Seite ist etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig, da hier sehr viele Features angeboten werden und manche Funktionen gut versteckt sind. Wenn man sich allerdings mal ein wenig damit auseinandersetzt, findet man auch alles. Ich weiß, wo ich klicken muss, damit ich das, was ich brauche finde. Punkt Kundenservice: Keine Angabe, da noch nie gebraucht Die FAQ Seiten reichen vollkommen aus, um alles zu finden, wenn man Hilfe braucht. (War zumindest bisher bei mir der Fall) Allerding sollte man hier der englischen Sprache mächtig sein, da viele der Seiten nicht auf Deutsch angeboten werden. Daher hier ein kleiner Abzug in der Bewertung., binance what nationality id. Der Binance Coin wird als ein hauseigener Kryptocoin der sehr großen Kryptobörse binancecom verwendet und ist extrem beliebt: mittlerweile bildet er nach Bitcoin und Ethereum die drittgrößte Kryptowährung nach Marktkapitalisierung . Das ist aber noch nicht alles; Allein im Jahr 2021 hat der Binance Coin eine Wertentwicklung von +1600 % hingelegt und so ist es verständlich, das viele neue Investoren in den BNB Coin einsteigen wollen und dafür ein Wallet benötigen., binance what is green and red. Direkt zur besten Alternative. Following our recently-updated guide on how to buy Bitcoin , we now provide you with various available options on how to convert BTC into fiat currency on Binance and our partner platforms. While we at Binance advocate for everyone to buy crypto, we understand that you sometimes need to sell crypto because you might need cash And as the world’s largest crypto exchange, trusted by millions of users, we offer you some of the best methods for selling Bitcoin at the rate that’s most favorable to you. Besides, our 24/7 Customer Support team is always ready to help you if there are problems with your transaction., binance what is bcc.

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Binance what happens to delisted coing, binance what is a limit order


Skalierbarkeit: das Bitcoin-Netzwerk kann nur eine handvoll Transaktionen pro Sekunde verarbeiten. IOTA kann ein Vielfaches keine Transaktionskosten bei IOTA (quasi die einzige Kryptowährung mit dieser Eigenschaft) Transaktionssicherheit ohne energiehungrige “Miner” wie bei Bitcoin. Nach einem unglaublichen Hype in 2017 (vor allem in Deutschland) wurde es in der Folge ruhig um IOTA Auch der Kurs hat sehr gelitten., binance what happens to delisted coing. In 2019 erfolgte schließlich der Plan zum “Coordicide”, der Abschaffung des zentralen Coordinators, der IOTA bis dato vor Angriffen geschützt hat und damit IOTA Kritik als zu zentralisiert einbrachte. Ende 2021 soll es soweit sein. Gelingt es IOTA seine Ziele zu verwirklichen, steigt die Nachfrage nach dem Token. Da die Menge aber begrenzt ist, ist der potentielle Wert der Währung entsprechend hoch. So die Theorie. Welcher Wert für IOTA Token allerdings gerechtfertigt ist steht in den Sternen. Kritikpunkte von IOTA. IOTA ist aktuell nicht so dezentralisiert wie z.B. Bitcoin oder Ethereum, da ein Computer der IOTA Foundation in regelmäßigen Abständen den regelgerechten Status des “Tangle” sicherstellt (“Coordinator”). Diese Kritik ist wohl berechtigt, früher oder später muss der abgeschaltet werden um wirklich ein dezentrales Netzwerk zu haben, dass zensurresistent und unabschaltbar ist. IOTA hat in der Vergangenheit ein paar Design Entscheidungen getroffen, die sich als nachteilig erwiesen haben, darunter “One-Time Signatures” für Sicherheit gegen Quantencomputer, “ternäres” statt binäres System (soll in Zukunft effizienter sein). Von vielen dieser Entscheidungen hat sich IOTA aber inzwischen distanziert. Einige kritisieren die Marketing Aktivitäten der IOTA Foundation, die leere Versprechungen macht und mit Partnerschaften mit großen Firmen die Legitimität des Projekt zu untermauern. Auch bezahlte Studien, die IOTA ein gutes Zeugnis ausweisen zählen dazu. Ein großer Teil der Versprechungen aus den Anfangszeiten von IOTA konnten nicht eingehalten werden. Zwischenzeitlich wurde die komplette Architektur umgeschrieben inklusive eines neuen Konsensverfahrens. Weitere Besonderheiten von IOTA. 1 IOTA ist nicht teilbar. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Kryptowährungen, von denen man in der Regel auch Bruchteile kaufen kann (zum Beispiel 0,005 Bitcoin), gibt es bei IOTA keine Kommastellen. Sie werden als Ganzes gehandelt. Daher ist die maximale Anzahl an IOTA, anders als bei Bitcoin, von denen es nur maximal 21 Mio. geben kann, mit 2.779.530.283.000.000 (2,7 Billiarden) sehr hoch angesetzt. Schließlich ist das erklärte Ziel der IOTA-Foundation, dass diese Anzahl in der Zukunft auf Millionen von Internet-of-Things-Devices verteilt ist. Eines der Erfolgsrezepte von Bitcoin war, dass es maximal nur 21 Mio. geben kann. Wer daher aufgrund der hohen Anzahl zögert, IOTA zu kaufen, sollte unbesorgt sein: Die absolute Anzahl ist egal, lediglich die Tatsache, dass die Anzahl begrenzt ist, ist wichtig. Partnerschaften von IOTA. Immer wieder macht IOTA auf sich aufmerksam durch Pressemeldungen in denen große Industrieunternehmen als Partner gemeldet werden. Darunter Bosch, Jaguar Land Rover, Fujitsu u.a. Meist handelt es sich dabei um “Proof of Concept” Projekte, bei denen die Machbarkeit von bestimmten Projekten mit IOTA getestet werden soll. Da IOTA vorhat ein Protokollstandard für das Internet der Dinge zu etablieren, sind solche Partnerschaften sehr wichtig. Für eine eigentlich dezentrale Kryptowährung, ist es allerdings unüblich dass eine zentrale Instanz (die IOTA Foundation) solche Partnerschaften in die Wege leitet. Ist jetzt ein guter Zeitpunkt, um in IOTA zu investieren? Niemand kann voraussagen, wie die nächste Woche, der nächste Monat oder gar das nächste Jahr aussehen wird. Nicht bei Aktien und erst recht nicht bei volatilen Kryptowährungen… Und wenn Du irgendwo eine Chartanalyse siehst, die Voraussagen macht, solltest Du lieber das Weite suchen. Eine entscheidende Rolle wird sicherlich der “Coordicide” spielen. Der Coordicide ist der Übergang in eine dezentralisiertere Version von IOTA. Er wird für 2021 erwartet. — trade your binance coin for baby doge coin. Not setting the slippage tolerance to 12%. There’s one more important concept to know about when. — 4) the binance api sometimes also skips transaction data history from already delisted coins, but they can be found in the csv. The first thing i’m going to talk about is delisting. What will happen to your cover protocol (cover) tokens on binance? — what will happen to your cover protocol (cover) tokens on binance? what is cover. — the decision to brand such a big exchange as effectively ungovernable comes at a time when the price of bitcoin, the most-traded digital coin,. — at binance, we periodically review each digital asset we list to ensure that it continues to meet the high level of standard we expect. If a coin is delisted from an exchange the trading volume and depth of liquidity from that exchange will vanish, thereby leading to an reduction in the overall. 22 мая 2018 г. — when a coin is delisted, it is no longer able to be traded. You will still have your coins and you are still able to withdraw them. — on the back of ripple being charged for illegal securities offerings by the sec and xrp tanking on the price charts,. The only thing left to do is to wait for an email from binance. Users can buy hot coins with currencies such as usd on these exchanges. Any exchange could list or delist coins, or raise transaction fees at will,”. When an asset gets delisted from an exchange, all of its trading pairs are removed. The asset can still potentially be traded on other exchanges (such as. — the popular cryptocurrency exchange of binance, periodically reviews all coins listed on its platform in a bid to protect its users and all. Binance will delist $dlt, $gvt, $sky & $poa on 2021-11-05. Binance will delist dlt, gvt, sky & poa on 2021-11-05 | binance support. — in an announcement made on their website and an email blaster sent to all their users, binance has said that it is going to delist a bunch


Binance what happens to delisted coing


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↗️+0.18 Avalanche AVAX $84.56 $20662225319
↗️+0.04 Polygon MATIC $2.12 $15469009566
↘️-0.46 Shiba Inu SHIB $0 $15404988749
↘️-0.15 Binance USD BUSD $1 $14277033512
↘️-0.1 Coin CRO $0.44 $11126258466
↘️-0.09 Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC $41591.67 $11100016028
↗️+0.08 TerraUSD UST $1 $10750049399
↗️+0.55 NEAR Protocol NEAR $17.16 $10568602744
↘️-0.29 Chainlink LINK $22.62 $10563672658
↘️-1.18 Uniswap UNI $16.09 $10093744043
↘️-0.28 Litecoin LTC $140.76 $9774781706
↘️-0.06 Dai DAI $1 $9690717781
↗️+0.35 Cosmos ATOM $37.19 $8414437915
↗️+0.06 Algorand ALGO $1.3 $8399367370
↘️-0.06 Bitcoin Cash BCH $379 $7185297902
↗️+0.74 Fantom FTM $2.79 $7088944209
↘️-0.53 TRON TRX $0.07 $6927546762
↗️+0.1 Stellar XLM $0.25 $6233938943
↘️-0.37 FTX Token FTT $43.23 $5989687261