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Bodybuilders take these in a bid to raise natural testosterone levels back to a normal range. When your testosterone production is truly shut down you’ll often experience: fatigue, less energy, low sex drive and feel quite low on life. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) If you’re thinking about taking prohormones or anabolic steroids, you need to know how to run an effective PCT (post cycle therapy). What exactly is post cycle therapy? And why do we need it? A PCT is usually incorporated after a steroid-cycle ends. The reason why this is a critical time for a bodybuilder is because anabolic hormone levels (such as testosterone) are usually shut down at this point. Thus the idea of a post cycle therapy protocol is to control estrogen levels and increase your testosterone production back to normal levels. As you’re probably already aware, low testosterone levels can make it increasingly difficult to maintain gains in strength or size from your steroid cycle. Also low T can have a negative effect on your overall mood and well-being. Failing to administer an effective PCT can result in less overall gains. However, running diligent PCT’s can help you retain the mass you gained from your cycle (for years to come), buy cernos capsules 40 mg oral steroids nebido. Generally the more you’re shut down from a steroid, the more challenging it is to hang onto gains. What PCT Supplements Are There? Any supplement that naturally increases your testosterone levels/decreases estrogen levels can be considered an effective PCT supplement. Such supplements will improve: muscle recovery, estrogen balance, fat loss, your health, workout intensity and libido. Any supplement that contains D-aspartic acid or tribulus terrestris may help during a PCT. D-aspartic acid is an amino acid which has proven to increase natural testosterone levels in several studies. Tribulus terrestris has also been proven to have a dramatic effect on DHT levels (which is actually more anabolic than regular testosterone). Tribulus-users also report a noticeable increase in their libido when taking this herb. Studies show that tribulus also has protective qualities in regards to the kidneys and liver. However, these test boosting ingredients may not work for everyone and thus some users may opt for more powerful drugs such as clomid or nolvadex. What if I don’t run a PCT? Some people can get away with not running a PCT and still keep most of their gains, but if you want to be as big, strong and healthy as possible, a PCT is essential. This also gives you better value for your cycle ‘ steroids aren’t exactly cheap.
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