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The drug is taken daily at a lower than is used for emergencies. There are steps a doctor will take before prescribing oral corticosteroids in an emergency setting or for the daily management of severe persistent asthma. The symptoms of acute exacerbations are relatively self-evident. They are defined as episodes of progressive increases in shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, and chest tightness accompanied by progressive decreases in expiratory airflow (the amount of air you can exhale). This will involve a review of your symptoms, prescription drug use, and medical history along with an evaluation of your blood oxygen levels using a pulse oximeter. A handheld breathing device called a spirometer will also be used to evaluate your baseline lung function and to monitor your response to treatment. The results can help the doctor classify your symptoms as being either mild, moderate, severe, or life-threatening. For all but mild exacerbations, intravenous and/or oral corticosteroids will be prescribed. The current body of evidence suggests that oral steroids work just as effectively as intravenous steroids in people with moderate to severe exacerbations. Upon release from the hospital, you may be prescribed a short course of oral corticosteroids to take for several days to prevent a relapse of symptoms. Severe persistent asthma is a classification of disease with clearly defined diagnostic criteria. If you do not meet it, an oral corticosteroid will likely not be prescribed. To evaluate you for severe persistent asthma, your doctor will perform a series of pulmonary function tests (PFTs). These include tests called forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) that measure the strength and capacity of your lung before and after exposure to a short-acting bronchodilator. These values, used in tandem with a review of your symptoms and medical history, can help confirm whether it is appropriate to add oral steroids to your current treatment plan. The only absolute contraindication for the use of oral steroids is a known allergy to the drug or any of the other ingredients in a formulation. There are other situations in which oral corticosteroids must be used with caution. This typically applies to the ongoing treatment of severe asthma rather than the treatment of acute exacerbations. In an emergency situation, the risks are usually mitigated by the short course of treatment. Because oral corticosteroids actively suppress the immune system, they may need to be delayed in people with an active bacterial, fungal, viral, or parasitic infection, including tuberculosis, ocular herpes simplex, measles, and chickenpox. Any active infection should be treated and fully resolved before starting oral corticosteroids. Oral steroids should be avoided in people with an active peptic or duodenal ulcer. In these individuals, corticosteroids can trigger an adrenal crisis in which cortisol levels drop so low as to become life-threatening. Even so, the benefits of treatment may outweigh the risks if precautions are taken to avoid pregnancy. Advise your doctor if you are pregnant before using oral corticosteroids or if you become pregnant while taking oral corticosteroids, buy deca 200/test e 200 injectable steroids $68.00.
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