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Cottonseed, corn, soy, and wheat: These are a good source of protein, but low in these crucial nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. So reduce your intake of all these foods with diet and exercise advice. If you choose to eat more these foods, try to avoid high omega-6 or high omega-3 intake, ensure plus calories bulk. The key is to cut down on your total daily intake of these foods. Reduce sugar: Sugar is made of water, corn syrup, starch, and chemicals that can cause inflammation. When bulking should you lift heavy I’m 140 lb sopping wet, i eat more daily calories than any 3 people in my family, and yet i still can’t gain weight. Fast for 12 hours, though, and i lose lots. So i enjoyed the post. Here’s my weight gainer shake. I hope you like it. I think it’s something like 1,200 calories depending on how you do it. – 4 bananas – 1 avocado


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