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Winstrol does exactly what you don’t want it to do to your lipoproteins. It lowers HDL, while raising LDL. It’s more common when taking Winstrol orally, but injecting it also increases LDL. Basically, you can have the diet of a saint, but if you’re taking Winstrol, you’ll still be at risk of having high LDL cholesterol levels ‘ and that’s something you really don’t want. Winstrol can really wreck your sex life. Not only will you not want sex, you probably won’t even be capable of having it. Don’t ignore this one! Estrogen, dihydrotestosterone and testosterone are the sex hormones that keep your sexual function firing on all cylinders. The precursor to these hormones is a glycoprotein called sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) ‘ and Winstrol lowers your levels of this. You’ll be left with low-to-no sex drive and maybe even erectile dysfunction too. This is understandably unappealing to men, but even women struggle to enjoy sex as a result of taking Winstrol. You have been warned! The popularity of Winstrol makes it a money-making machine for dealers, which results in more counterfeit versions on the streets ‘ and these can be potentially deadly. A quick YouTube search will show videos from underground labs that ‘cook’ your drugs in a microwave, using non-sterile equipment over and over again to save money. The health consequences of poorly made steroids can be really dangerous, max-one 10 mg oral steroids $34.00 dianabol. What if they get the dosage wrong and you end up injecting 100 times the recommended amount? Let’s cut to the chase. There’s a high risk of you ending up with dodgy gear, and when that happens, the best you can hope for is severe mood swings or depression. The worst is possible death. Still think Winstrol’s worth it? It’s not always easy to maintain great hair or skin, but take Winstrol, and you might as well just give up now. Winstrol severely messes with your hormones. You only have to think back to your days as a teenager to remember what that did to your looks. Winstrol resurrects your teen hormone issues, so if you like acne and greasy hair, fill your boots! But that’s not all.
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