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Different steroids will build muscle and burn fat to different degrees, hence why some steroids are more popular than others.

The effect of the weight loss of one of the steroids is measured using two different methods as described in the following paragraphs. The first method of measuring the effect on fat is called the ratio (ratio of weight loss to weight gain/s). The second is the change from baseline in fat content of the liver, kidney, and skeletal muscle of the animal.

Steroids are categorized by their effect on steroid receptors, such as the steroid P450 enzymes, which are found mainly in fat. For example, when estrogen or androgen are given to animals, estrogen’s effect on P450 enzymes is more pronounced when it is combined with the muscle-building steroids. Conversely, low doses of testosterone have little effect on P450 enzyme function.

Steroid hormones have the following effects on the pituitary hormones:

Androgenic steroids stimulate pituitary secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from hypothalamus. GnRH normally stimulates the hypothalamus to secrete androgen to support anabolic androgenic processes.

cytochrome c aromatase (PCA): The PCA enzyme is involved with the production, storage and breakdown of steroids.

mammalian estrogen receptor 3 (MEH3): Estrogen receptor 3 (MEH3) mediates the action of estrogens and androgens. MEH3 binds directly to estrogen receptors (ER) and aromatolytic enzymes that convert estrogens to estradiol. Once bound, MEH3 enhances the binding of estrogens to estrogen receptors.

Estrogen receptors

Estrogen receptors consist of seven subunits separated into two broad classes. (1) The estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) (nucleus Rheb). It expresses on estrogen stimulated cells of bone marrow and adipose tissue. These estrogen stimulated cells produce androgens, like testosterone and estrogen on breast tissue.

(2) The estrogen receptor beta (ERβ) (nucleus Rheb/MEH2). ERβ produces a potent estrogen in vitro as a result of the aromatization of testosterone by a different estrogen receptor group. These estrogen stimulated cells of heart muscle produce androgens like testosterone.

Estrogen receptors are located primarily in the anterior pituitary (a.k.a. the posterior pituitary); therefore they are expressed on the pituitary of all mammals. As a result when estrogen is given to the animal, it leads to

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