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Around 7 out of 10 breast cancers (70%) have oestrogen receptors. They are called oestrogen receptor positive cancer or ER positive cancer. When you have hormone therapy. It is most common to have hormone therapy after surgery for breast cancer. This is called adjuvant treatment. If you are also having chemotherapy after surgery, you start the hormone therapy once chemotherapy finishes. If you are having radiotherapy after surgery, you can have hormone therapy at the same time. Or you might start hormone therapy after your radiotherapy. The aim of treatment after surgery is to lower the risk of the cancer coming back. You have hormone therapy for 5 years or more, . But exactly how long depends on the type of drug you have and your individual situation. Treatment before surgery is called neo adjuvant therapy. If your cancer has oestrogen receptors, you might have hormone therapy to shrink a large or locally advanced breast cancer. This might mean that you can have a smaller operation. For example, you might be able to have just the tumour removed (a lumpectomy) instead of the whole breast (mastectomy). You have check ups with your doctor during hormone therapy treatment to see if your cancer is getting smaller. If you can’t have surgery. Surgery is the main treatment for breast cancer, but some women have health problems that mean they can’t have surgery. Some women choose not to have surgery. In this case, if your breast cancer is oestrogen receptor positive, your doctor might recommend hormone therapy. This treatment won’t get rid of the cancer but can stop it growing or shrink it. The treatment can often control the cancer for some time. Your doctor might change you to a different type of hormone treatment if your cancer starts growing again. Hormone therapy is also used to treat secondary breast cancer. Types of hormone therapy.
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, cheap price legal steroids for sale cycle. It is also used in later stages of estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer or advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women who does not respond to an anti-estrogen therapy earlier. Working of Xtane: Xtane is the brand name of Exemestane and is an anti-cancer drug which belongs to the class, steroidal aromatase inhibitors. It works by inhibiting aromatase that is responsible for converting other hormones in the body called androgens to estrogens, thereby reducing the amounts of estrogen in the body which leads to slow down or stops the growth of breast tumors that need estrogen to grow. Dosing Instructions You should use Xtane tablets only if your doctor has prescribed it. The dosage and duration of this medicine will be decided by your doctor considering your health status. Swallow a pill with a glass of water after having meal or snack to prevent digestive issues. Do not alter the form of medication by chewing, or dissolving in water. Doing this may change the effects or even destroys the contents of the medicine. Manufacturer: Xtane is manufactured by Natco Pharma, India. Do not take Xtane if you: Are allergic to this active ingredient Exemestane or any other ingredient of the medicine Are not reached to menopause or you are still having your monthly periods. Are pregnant or planning to be pregnant in the near future Are breastfeeding women. Tell your doctor if you: Have any liver problems Have had strokes or heart attacks Have a history of depression Have a diabetes Ever had an allergic reaction to any medicine. Side Effects of Xtane: Vomiting, dizziness, headache, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, and rash are the common side effects of Exemestane. If any of these effects continuing for a long time or the condition become uncontrolled, contact your doctor immediately. Exemestane may rarely causes serious side effects such as fracture, numbness and tingling in the hands and wrist that can affect grasping, depression, hot flushes, difficulty falling asleep, dizziness, nausea, unusual tiredness, increased sweating, pain, swelling in lower legs or hands, loss of appetite, and indigestion. About Xtane 25Mg Tablet. Xtane 25Mg Tablet is a medication prescribed for the treatment of breast cancer. Xtane 25Mg Tablet belongs to a family of anti-estrogens and is mostly used to arrest the synthesis of estrogen by the release of an enzyme known as aromatase. Certain types of breast cancer are ER-positive and have estrogen receptors that require estrogen to grow and spread. Therefore it is important to lower the estrogen levels to decelerate the spread of the hormone-responsive cancer, . The drug may also be used to treat advanced stages of breast cancer in postmenopausal women, where there has been a consistent progress in the disease following tamoxifen therapy. Xtane 25Mg Tablet is mostly used to treat women who have reached menopausal years, with early symptoms of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. However the medication is contraindicated in pregnant, premenopausal or lactating women. Common side effects of Xtane 25Mg Tablet include severe joint pain, headaches, hot flashes and excessive sweating which are typical symptoms of estrogen deficiency, as caused by the drug. Patients of breast cancer also exhibit symptoms of exhaustion and nausea.


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